Saturday, August 13, 2011

Kitchen Wish List: Part 1

I am having withdrawal symptoms of not cooking. I haven't been in my tiny Boston kitchen for more than two weeks now and it is starting hit me: I won't ever get to cook in that crammed little space again. But come September, I will have a new--and hopefully improved kitchen--with which to put develop my culinary skills.

I don't plan on cooking until then (most probably) because I want to enjoy my time in Mexico to the fullest. Despite the fact that my kitchen here is equipped with many of the gadgets that you will see in my wish list, I am currently working on another big project.

The other project is still in mere building blocks, but I am hoping it will be amazing! Anyways, in due time, I will tell you all about it.

For now, here is the list of kitchen gadgets and utensils that I wish I had. I have been compiling this for a while now, and I want to start deleting some items (after I buy the m of course), so I have to save up!

  • KitchenAid. This is the ultimate kitchen gadget. At least in my book it is. It's not just a mixer, it makes pasta, grinds fruits or veggies, makes ice cream and it comes in pretty colors. I plan on buying this very very soon and I will slowly collect accessories.
  • Digital Scale. More than once I've run into a recipe 
    • that calls for weight measurements and I find myself struggling. I end up making weird calculations based on the net weight of a container and most of the times I know I am probably wrong. Once I have a scale I will be able to follow recipes down to the tiniest detail. So yeah, I think I need it!
  • Non-stick Springform. To this day, I don't have any proper cake pans in my Boston kitchen. I know, it is embarrassing, but the truth is I have never needed them. Or I guess I have chosen not to need them since I have been keeping myself away from elaborate cake recipes (other than the 20th Birthday Cake I made for Amanda). But if I have a springform pan, I can venture into the cake realm fearlessly, so this pan is next on my list.
I still have many more items on my list, but for now, these will do.

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